Make Sure To CHECK These Items On Your List If You Don’t Want Your Vacation To SUCK
There is a current trend on Instagram and other social media sites about millennials that’s just too hard to ignore, and that is the need to travel. More and more people are traveling and getting stamps on their passports each month. Some even go to extremes and quit their jobs to travel to their dream destinations. These adventures usually don’t spend on expensive hotel rooms but on camping sites and cars. There is real joy in going to novel places, and the more you travel, the more you get hooked on it. But traveling is not 100% fun and it is not totally stress-free. So before you take your next trip, make sure you end up marking CHECK across all these items.
Important Documents: CHECK
Always bring a photocopy of the important documents you’ll need. Some embassies are strict and go to extreme lengths in order to verify your identity and intentions of traveling to their country. This is not always the case, but better safe than sorry. Having a photocopy of your passport can also save you from the stress of losing it, and you can still enjoy your vacation even without the original one in some countries.
Research Your Destination Online: CHECK
Prior to going on a trip, conduct a thorough research on your destination to the fullest. Know the ins and the outs of the area to travel like a local. Make a list of all the places you want to visit and the food you want to try. Having a list can save you time from thinking where to go next and it can also eliminate frustrations of “I should have gone to that place” post-travel.
Pack Extra Clothes in Your Carry-on: CHECK
There are a lot of cases when the luggage arrives several days later than your arrival or worse – some have even experienced losing it. This can totally ruin the vacation, especially if you end up losing all your clothes and other important stuff. Skip buying new clothes by bringing some in your carry-on. This might be extra work, but it’s worth it.
Multiple Money Stashes: CHECK
It’s always safer not to put all of your cash and credit cards in one place. Tourists are usually the prey of pickpockets, and even if we deny it, there are a lot of people who get mugged while traveling. If you become an unfortunate prey, you do not want to be in a foreign country without any cash on you. To prevent that you need to have secret money stashed in your socks or somewhere you think crooks won’t tend to check. And since we are on the topic of finances, alert your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans. That way, you can avoid having your card put on hold while traveling overseas.
Medkit: CHECK
Nothing sucks more than spending hundreds of dollars on airfare and hotel bookings and getting sick the day you set foot on the island. This is why it is a must to take medications and first aid kits with you. True, there are pharmacies everywhere, but some local pharmacies might not have the kind of medicines you prefer. So be sure to pack some – it won’t add much to the weight of your luggage.
Act Like A Local: CHECK
It’s always a better idea to know some common phrases in the local language when traveling. Asking for directions and interacting with them can make things a bit easier if you speak their language. Ask them the best places and the best foods to try – things that only a local would know. Avoid being judgmental of their customs and traditions, as well. Travelling is getting to know the entirety of the place, so try to be politically correct about it.
Take Lots Of Pictures: CHECK
This is probably the highlight of every trip. Try to take as many photos as possible so you can choose what to keep from a wide selection. It can also preserve the memories of your trip. But don’t get so caught up with taking pictures that you fail to enjoy the moment. Experience the place through your eyes, not just through the lens. Might as well have googled it if pictures are the only thing you need.
Rise Early: CHECK
We travel to explore places and not to oversleep in the hotel room. Wake up early and get a lot of things done. Aim to check off activities on your list as soon as possible. This can give you lots of extra time by the end of the vacation so there is still a chance to add more to the list. If you don’t like crowded places but still wanna check out a popular tourist destination, waking up early and visiting the place before the crowds come in is the best thing to do.
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